Monday, November 18, 2013

As Simple As One Two Three

After so many times my sister complaining about her being asked by her friends and colleagues about when she will get married, when back then, she never have anyone asking her that question. While in the different side, I often dealing with the exact same question. Not only from my friends and colleagues who are adult, but also from my students who are kids in fact. Have you ever imagine, we (or I at least) can act of being so annoyed to adult so that they won't ask any further questions, but to kids, can we? The answer is, yes, we can. But in fact, I can't. Because it's not their fault to ask such questions. They just immitate their parents, relatives, and maybe people they don't-know-who asking the similar questions to others who aren't married yet.

Suddenly, this thought came to my mind. The answer of the question is simple. Just like other occasions in life which needs the interfere of faith, like birth, death, etc. being married also has the same answer. If you were asked why you were born on that date. You won't answer nothing but, I don't know. It's just time. Nothing else. We can only tell a story of the process, not why. So, the answer of the question is, I don't know when. It's just a matter of time until I meet the one and we were meant to be together until death do us part and so

Also, this what I learned from this situation. People often think that unmarried person in unfortunate, but actually, based on my life, it's not at all. I enjoy my life and being thankful of it. Some other time, they envy to what happen in our life as a single. I don't have to mention in what situation, though. It's all about destiny. No one can make it sooner or later. So do we.

Let's just play with the sun, sand, and wave while we are on the beach. No need to be afraid when the sun sets. Enjoy the wind blows also.