Sunday, November 4, 2012

Glad To Watch It!

Anyway, I'm back with new connection of the net. The previous was terrible. No need to explain, shortly, I need something better and found it!

Last two days, I've watched TV talkshow with guest star, Ferrasta "Pepeng" Subardi. Yup! He is the person that for me easy to be admired. He said something that made me open my eyes wider and clearer. 

Tell me, what is the difference between being hurts and being suffer? He said, we can be hurt, but being suffer or not, it's depend on us. It's our choice. If we focus on the pain then we will cause our own suffer, but if we focus on other things, asking for forgiveness for example, then the suffer will never come.

In life, sometimes I just can't hide the bad feelings of sad, hurts, but at least we still have a choice to be suffered or not. The choice is mine.

Have a beautiful life!!!


  1. What provider do you use now?
    Kecepatan download? >:) *teteup*

  2. pake yg sama dgn yg di hape, tp entahlah malem ini agak error. Kecepatannya ga merhatiin, pokoknya lbh cepet aja, hehe
