Saturday, February 28, 2015

Mystical Alas Purwo

Last but not least. It would be our last day in the city of sunrise of Java, Banyuwangi. The feeling was can't be described. I was happy that everything ran well but in other side, I felt uncomfortable to recognize that it would be the end of the trip.

We spent the night in a home stay in Red Island Beach. As I told before, the beach and the island were wonderful. After eating our sego pecel then it's time for us to packed our stuff for the last time in the trip. It's all done before eight but we left after eight.

Alas Purwo is another National Park we would visit in this trip. It took about 3 hours to go there from Red Island Beach. On the way to Alas Purwo, we visited one of many dragon fruit farm. The lady who owned the farm was so nice. She didn't let us to pay. So, the dragon fruit was free. Huge thanks for her. Another lesson of sincere for me from the trip. Let Allah pay her back with much kindness.

Picking the dragon fruit
Us with the kind lady

Okay, we continue our journey to Alas Purwo. I didn't really conscious to pay attention to the road. I fell a sleep. Then I woke up and see this.

dried off forest 
 There were tiny drops of rain on our way to Alas Purwo and we still drop off the minibus and took some photos, hehe. Around twelve o'clock, we arrived in Alas Purwo, go to the rest room, wudhu, and pray. Then we go to the beach by special car. Through the primary forest of Alas Purwo and the amazing thing is, there were thousand of one-color butterflies with us as if they were taking us to the beach. What an unforgettable moment we had. Lucky us!

Alas Purwo is well known as its mystical. In the forest, there are places for Hindu people to pray or pura. I felt there's something different in it. Hard to describe, let me just share the breath taking view here.
Alas Purwo Beach

View from Raymond's camp

It's us in the wood
So, this is goodbye?
After this, we left Banyuwangi at night with deep feeling of satisfaction and happiness. Thank you fellas. See you all in the next trip :).

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