Monday, February 28, 2011


Like I posted before, that I planned to find penfriends to gain my knowledge about the world I'm living in. The time passes by. It's already (or only) almost 2 months from the first time I joined the penfriends' site. Now, I have some friends, maybe can be said many friends overseas. I have Japanese snail mail penpal, and some e-mail penpals. I never think to collect penfriends, but it's like addicted for me. I like to talk to someone about their countries and tell them about mine. I find it so interesting.

It feels adorable when I received the first letter from my Japanese friend. The letter took a month from her house into mine. Can you imagine?

E-mail is the easiest and the fastest way to have messages from my friends. How does it feel? It feels good also. I always am happy whenever I have the e-mail. Most of my friends are women, but there are also men. Until now, they are very kind and warm answering my e-mail. We asked about various things. We swap pictures also. Many of them don't know Indonesia well, they know Bali better than Indonesia :).

As time goes by, I lose some e-mail penpals. Feeling sad? Sure. I miss my Japanese e-mail penpal. She is a teacher too. She had been so warm and friendly, but one day, suddenly she didn't answer any of my e-mails. Despite of angry or upset, I am worrying her. Was there something happen to her, so she couldn't reply my e-mails? I'm just hoping she is fine and she will reply any of my e-mails someday.

Well, this kind of friendship is called "easy come easy go"...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Akhir-akhir ini, di negara tercinta ini, place where I belong to, ada kejadian-kejadian anarkistis yang dalam sekejap memberi citra republik ini sebagai negara anarkistis. Padahal jauh sebelum itu, bertahun-tahun lalu, sejak saya masih jadi anak sekolah berrok merah, hingga berrok abu-abu bahkan sampai saya tidak lagi berseragam, alias sudah kuliah, bangsa ini terkenal sebagai bangsa yang ramah, pandai menjamu tamu, dan pekerja keras. Adanya tindakan pihak tak bertanggungjawab atau bahkan (mungkin) tak berotak, semua citra positif bangsa ini yang diperjuangkan dan tertanam bertahun bahkan berabad lamanya diputar 180 derajat. Citra bangsa ini terpuruk bagaikan bangsa tak berperikemanusiaan. Padahal jika dibandingkan dengan bangsa-bangsa lain di belahan dunia lain yang menyebut-nyebut menjunjung tinggi HAM, bangsa ini boleh jadi lebih bermoral. Dalam buku 'Naked Traveler', Mbak Trinity, sang penulis beropini bangsa Indonesia masih bangsa yang menurutnya paling ramah. Padahal penulis ini sudah hampir menjelajahi hampir seluruh benua di dunia ini. Jadi, jika kini bangsa kita dikenal sebagai bangsa anarkis, siapa yang salah?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Golden Ways

Today is the day when I was born about 28 years ago. See, how long I have been living? Yeah, along the way I have many things happened. Some are wonderful, miserable, silly (most of it :D), and even plain.

For those years of my life, I've been thinking also about the destiny of soulmate that he will come someday when the time has come. But last night I woke up from that perception into another one, which is brighter. He will come as I expecting he is. My destiny is really something that completely my decision, just like health, wealth, and happiness.
It's Allah's plan for us of course, but it also something that we should struggle to deserve. We can't just sit down and wait that someone come from nowhere. Many bad side of us should be changed to make someone who is our destiny match us.

All I know now is this. I believe that he is out there, looking for me also and he is trying to be better person as hard as I'm trying to.

Cheers, life is wonderful!

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Wise Men Are Right

I really feel that the wise men is totally right, when they said that "only fools rush in". So many times, all we have to do is just wait and see, no rush in doing any single thing we want. Take a deep breath and rethink about it. When we try it, let's see, we can think even clearer and more make sense.
So, I say, "You are right, Wise Men. I owe you for your words. Thank you."
Anyway, don't be in a rush, just make sure that you do the right things.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Think of something about last night talked with a friend...

Nobody's perfect, even if you are just too perfect and no weakness.

Even if you are too smart, always healthy, and your life seems too perfect.

I never yet know how it feels to be.

Learn how to understand how people think is all it takes.

It's all about time. Time has it secrets and let me tell you something.

People become perfect with their weakness and unstable things around.

But, no matter how, they try to fix it to be better.
Let's see then, how life gives you.