Thursday, May 12, 2016

It's Never About How You Are

I can't be perfect, if you compare me with anyone else. I am who I am and you are who you are. As a Javanese by blood, not by tradition, I always feel good because Javanese always looks good. It's well known as a hard worker, polite kind of people. Even some people says, Javanese women are good in handling money. They can be very generous but economical. I don't know the true fact about them actually. Despite, based on my experiences, some good characters are not always shown. For some reason, Javanese can  be worse than any other tribe and vice versa. It's about you are as a human being. People are respected of how they behave and interact with others.

In The Holy Quran, Allah looks at His people's taqwa and taqwa make people doing good deed. It's a fact and universal law. I write this, not only because I can't be racist (since I don't have race, lol) but also because I'm done with people make fun of others because of their race, skin color, or something like that. It's not supposed to happen in the modern era like nowadays.
People are equal.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Inside Out (Effect)

Even the whole cell in your brain and nerve trying their hard to make your life getting better. 
They struggle to give you all their best.
Even when you think it's enough, they don't think the same way. They want what best for you.
Sometimes it's not only about you yourself. It also about something inside you who wants you to be better furthermore best.

Remember, it's not only for you and about you. Why it has to be about you?