Tuesday, August 28, 2012


I watched Ghost Whisperer 5 yesterday. The story is about a ghost of doctor who thinks he failed in doing operation and made the heart of the patient stop beating, but in fact, the patient himself just experienced temporary death. It took five minutes before the heart beated again. The doctor died because of heart attack during the operation and since then he become a ghost with guilty feeling. While in other side, the patient live until more than 65 years and spend really good life. He traveled places, taught, joined triathlon, and many things. He live life to the fullest. What a great story.

I don't believe death people will be a ghost. Every people will responsible for all they have done on earth when they live and when people die, then all things in the world will stop bothering them. They only bring good deeds as their savings. But in this episode, I learn that what we decide for our life will guide us to who we are now or what we will be in the future. People only have one life. It's our decision how to live it.

Hope we'll have worthliving in this world and after :)